Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind in the darkness that you know you cannot fight. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before. Let your soul take you where you long to be.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Road to Freedom

Ahhh Fall....

Curling up with a blanket and a good movie, creamy soups, tasty desserts...all around laziness coupled with comfort food...

Perhaps it's the change of seasons..perhaps its the bouts pf sickness...all I know is I have not been motivated these past few weeks in my eating habits, workouts, and career.  My lack of desire, willpower, and strength has become quite a shock, so much so that I have kept the majority of it in secret.  What does it take to get on top of things?  I need to get motivated and I need some HELP!

So I am making a public declaration (to the 5 whole people who read this blog) to help with accountability and encouragement!  Now is a good time to cast your judgement when you see me fail--give me the ol' evil eye!  I have laid out my goals for the next 4 weeks--leading right up to Thanksgiving--and the details of this journey, so all can follow along and hold me accountable.

- Drop to 17% body fat, drop to the 130s#
- Improve strength and time in workouts gearing up for competition season
- 5-6 TOUGH workouts a week followed by muscle strength shake
- Take supplements on a consistent basis

- 12 blocks a day of lean poultry, fish, eggs

- 9 blocks a day of veggies and low glycemic carbs (no carrots, beans, fruit, potatoes, starches)

- NO MORE THAN 12 blocks of fat a day limited to healthy oils, avocado, nut butters (no nuts!)

NO: dairy, nonpaleo foods, starches, fruit, only limited alcohol

Daily Menu should looks as follows:
Bkfst: muscle gain shake with added fat & w/ sweet potato or banana POST morning workout
= 3P 3F 3C
Lunch: 3P 3F 3C paleo friendly meal
Snack: muscle gain shake with added fat and shot of esresso during work
= 3P 3F 0C
Dinner: 3P 3F 3C paleo friendly dinner

Meet with Tim (the developer), Jud (the front man)
Gather stats (demographics, budget, forecast for housing) from the developers
Create my own guerilla style research survey
Gather professional data and create presentation/business model

Work enough shifts at Peche to create an income baseline

Here we go!  Who can't do something for 28 measly days!  It starts now! Time to get excited!