I started Crossfit under the training of Coach Heather Hodges. She introduced me to Olympic lifts, pullups, double unders, the spirituality of weightlifting, she watched me achieve my first Personal Records, she was there to witness me shed pounds. She has seen me through some tough personal battles and some tough workouts. Without her encouragement and never failing belief in me, I wouldn’t have had the success I have had thus far. Heather has since left Crossfit Central to start an amazing journey: her own crossfit, Defiant CrossFit! Though I am sad to see her go, I am so excited for her new journey! She is one special woman and deserves the best!
And I’m excited to start my new journey to becoming an elite Crossfitter with Coach Crystal McReynolds! Crystal is one of the most inspiring athletes I have witnessed with my own eyes. Her magnetic personality, humble spirit, and her own true success story make people drawn to her and want to get to know her. I am proud to say that she is now MY coach and will continue me on to reach my ultimate goals.
This blog will be a process where I will share my journey and log my success and failures for others to follow and learn from; everything from my personal goals, my career goals, and my goals as a crossfitter. Most importantly, this blog is not about one genre of my life or another, it’s about finding the balance between them all to lead a truly fulfilling and rewarding existence as one of God’s creatures. Without all facets of my life in working order, the others would not be possible, as each area inspires the other. So…HERE WE GO!
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